Friday, January 30, 2009

Notícias de Brett Anderson

Brett Anderson falou este mês aos fãs através do seu site oficial.
Brett revelou que 2008 foi um ano fantástico, que continua a adorar Wilderness mas que chegou a altura de seguir em frente.
Para o próximo trabalho Anderson dá a entender que o álbum será novamente muito simples e acústico (tal como o último disco) e que até poderá não sair sob o nome de "Brett Anderson". O terceiro LP a solo de Anderson fica prometido para este ano já que o músico refere que quer lançar um trabalho por ano.
Ficam aqui as palavras do antigo vocalista dos Suede

"worming my way along a wintry M23 the other day it struck me that it might be time to show my face on here and say something profound and meaningful.i guess you'll just have to make do with this . the bite of january is upon us and with a nod to the two headed god himself i suppose it's time for some reflection and anticipation.
my wilderness year was a wonderful one. i still love it deeply and think i always will, maybe never again could i make something that is so completely part of me, my pulse, my breath. but now i think it's time to turn the page and look for another path. to where i don't know, the next few weeks will start to lead me as i prod around on my U1 and hang around with avant garde guitar players. i have started to entertain the idea that the next album i make will not be under my name. i am becoming bored of the baggage that i seem to drag everywhere i go . but who really cares what i call it as long as it pulses with passion, power and beauty.i want to release an album every year for the rest of my life so you wont have to wait too long to find out. the experience of recording wilderness in a matter of days was so inspiring i don't think i could ever go back to some laborious, sterile studio environment especially as i am now beginning to realise that the energy i can summon on stage is more magical than in the control room. the simpicity and freedom of recording everything live is something that i always want to keep.
there were a couple of moments last year when i felt as though i had really touched it, really connected: paris, berlin, london ,
stockholm, all beautiful, thank you, thank you

wishing you love.. x

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