Friday, May 01, 2015


Lately I was listening to the new, or last, Horrors' album.
I'm a fan of them, Primary Colours and Skying are amazing pieces of art.
Although, now, I'm not a big big fan of Luminous. I like the sound, very futuristic and personal but, in my view they lost something from the previous ones.
Faris Badwan's voice is not that as raspy as it used to be, now it's a lot more "sweeter", more poppy, and that's a big disadvantage, because part of the band's identity was his voice and his way of singing.
The synthesisers are awesome as always but the guitar is lacking a little bit, the riffs, you can't find things like "Do You Remember" here.
The best moment of Luminous is the lead single, "I See You". It's a great track. "So Now You Know" is also a great moment, "Jealous Sun" is super interesting and "Change Your Mind" it's a nice ballad. But I can't find a big connection with "Frist Day Of Spring", "In And Out Of Sight" or "Mine And Yours". Compare this album's final track "Sleepwalk" with "Ocean's Burning" from Skying and you'll see why I'm telling this.
I had the same problem with the previous albums, it took time for me to really enjoying them, so, maybe I'll change opinion soon but, I don't think it is as good as the expectation created.
Anyway, The Horrors are amazing and Luminous is great, but not as great as I expected.
Great bands always give you great expectations.

1 comment:

gog magog said...

i do not enjoy blogs that do not provide downloaded album rips. internet etc.